What can be more delicious that fresh baked pizza? Potato Crust Breakfast Pizza!

This is a basic recipe I received from my friends over at Klondike Brands, their Klondike “Goldust” Potato Crust Pizza. Of course I had to put my own personal spin on the toppings and I couldn’t get breakfast out of my head when I first tried it.

So here is my version of Klondike Brands Potato Crust Pizza with my favorite Breakfast toppings, including the eggs!

(Closed Captioning available on this video)

For more information on Klondike Brands Potatoes visit: http://www.klondikebrands.com


2 cups Klondike Goldust potatoes, grated, firmly packed
¼ tsp. salt
1 egg, beaten
¼ cup grated onion, caramelized
Vegetable oil


Video Transcript:
Hey, everyone, it’s going to 104 degrees today.
Crazy hot.
So I thought I’d get up a little early and make a Potato Crust Breakfast Pizza for you on the Cooking Everything Outdoors show.
The Cooking Everything Outdoors show is sponsored by Camp Chef and www.OutdoorCooking.com and www.IslandGrillstone.com.
So the original recipe came from my friends at Klondike Brands.
It’s their potato crust pizza.
And it’s basically just a potato crust and you put all your flavorings on top of it.
And I thought what a perfect idea for breakfast pizza and that’s we’re going to make today.
So, for our ingredients for our potato crust pizza you’re going to need about 2 pounds of shredded Klondike Gold Potatoes, about a 1/4 teaspoon of salt, 1 egg scrambled, 1/4 cup of caramelized onion, some vegetable oil.
And I’m going to be adding some fresh cracked rainbow peppercorns.
The first thing we need to do is we need to shred our 2 pounds of potatoes and do this however you need to do it, but I just about basically a shredder box here.
So now we need to get the moisture out of our shredded potatoes.
And I’ll just use a flower towel.
You can use paper towels.
You can use your hands.
But we’re just going to dump those out and, you know, there’s a lot of water content in potatoes and we’re going to bring out as much water possible can.
So let’s mix this up and get our crust ready.
So I add our salt.
Our egg.
Our onion.
And the rainbow peppercorns.
And then you want to save the oil.
I’m going to show you what that’s going to be used for in a little bit.
Just get in there and blend this all up.
So at this point you have a couple of options.
You can layer your potato crust pizza in a pie pan, which works really nice or you can use a pizza pan, which I like to use.
And this one has a little bit of lip, but I don’t think I have enough to go out that far.
So, take a little bit of the vegetable oil or some spray oil and let’s coat the bottom of the pan, and then we’re going to spread our potatoes out really thinly.
And I look for roughly a 1/4 to 3/8 of an inch.
So, to cook our potato crust breakfast pizza I’m going to be using the Camp Chef Somerset Gas Grill and the Italia pizza oven accessory.
We’re going to cook the potato crust first.
So I’m going to preheat this.
I’m going to get it cranked up 450-500 degrees and then we’ll put this in the oven.
Well, we’re at 475, creeping up to 500.
It’s right where I want it.
We’re going to put our potato crust pizza, our base.
We’re going to put that in the pizza oven for about 20 minutes.
So our potato crust pizza is just about done.
I’m going to start working on my toppings.
Now this is your breakfast you do it your way, this is what I’m going to be doing.
I have some nice mushrooms, some red pepper, some green onion, some yellow onion, and some sausage, and of course, some eggs will be going on the top of this.
Skill is hot, let’s get some sausage going.
And I want to get my onions in there, too.
These are going to take the longest to cook.
Let’s add in the rest of our ingredients, red pepper, mushrooms, green onions.
Now we need to oil our pizza crust.
Just a little bit of oil on the top of this and the reason we’re doing that is because it’s good to crisp it up just a little bit more.
So, put that back in our pizza oven.
Keep an eye on it.
You don’t want to burn it.
And we’ll brown that up a bit more.
Put our toppings on and finish this bad boy up.
Alright, let’s load this up.
Let’s add our eggs.
I’m going to add some cheese when it’s done.
Let’s get this back in the pizza oven.
Our breakfast pizza should be ready.
There you go.
Let’s sprinkle on a little bit of cheese.
And that’s it, my friends, it’s the Klondike Brands Potato crust breakfast pizza recipe.
I hope you like this.
I know I’m going to like this.
I’m going to slice up a couple of pieces here in just a second and give it a shot.
Look at that.
If you haven’t tried to potato crust pizza before, you need to try this.




Potato Crust Breakfast Pizza