Stuffed Yellow Squash on the Grill

Stuffed Yellow Squash on the Grill

Summer Squash or Yellow Squash on the grill is a perennial favorite for many grillers. I like to add a bit more excitement to my grilled Yellow Squash by adding a flavorful stuffing mix to the Yellow Squash. If you remember my recipe for Easy Grilled Skillet Stuffing and Tender Moist Turkey Breast recipes I mentioned that I would share my Stuffed Yellow Squash recipe and here it is!

As always on, we are keeping it a simple and flavorful recipe for the Grill.

Stuffed Yellow Squash on the Grill

Pick 3 young tender firm yellow squash, wash to remove unfriendly coating and slice in half. This will give you 6 pieces. Notice the way I sliced them? I placed them down on the cutting board so the neck was pointing up before I sliced them in half, this allows them lay flat on the grill.

Stuffed Yellow Squash on the Grill

Take a spoon and carefully scoop out the soft seedy section of the yellow squash, no need to scoop out the neck portion, just the body. Lightly oil all sides with extra virgin olive oil and apply a sprinkle of salt and pepper.

Stuffed Yellow Squash on the Grill

Now place on the grill over direct medium-high heat for just a minute or two so you can get some beautiful grill marks. We are not cooking the squash at this point, just decorating.

Stuffed Yellow Squash on the Grill

Add some Feta cheese to the Easy Grilled Skillet Stuffing recipe. You could use Goat cheese, Blue cheese or any cheese of your liking for additional flavor.

Stuffed Yellow Squash on the Grill

See those beautiful grill marks! Adds character to the yellow squash. Now take your stuffing and pack it into the hollow that you made in your yellow squash.

Stuffed Yellow Squash on the Grill

Now it's time to place the yellow squash back on the grill to cook until the stuffing heats up and browns to a slight crisp. About 15 minutes over indirect heat.

Stuffed Yellow Squash on the Grill

Such a simple recipe to try!

Good luck and enjoy!