Triple Chocolate Dream Cake, Sushi, Roasted Red Bell Pepper Soup and a Rose

This past week at the culinary academy, I had the great pleasure to make a few new items in class, so I thought I would share a few pictures with you.

But first of I wanted to show you my “mini me” chef.

Chef Jarin making pancakes

Chef Jarin making pancakes

Triple Chocolate Dream Cake

Triple Chocolate Dream Cake 1

This is a cake that my class partner and I created.

Composed of chocolate chiffon cake, raspberry white chocolate mouse and a chocolate ganache.

The three smudges on top were a result of us trying to patch a change in decorating design. Oh well!

Triple Chocolate Dream Cake sliced and plated


Here is the Triple Chocolate Dream Cake sliced and plated.

I made a raspberry sauce to compliment the cake slice on the plate.


Homemade Sushi

Homemade Sushi

This was a blast to do and I had no idea it was going to be so simple!

Needless to say, I am going to be a Sushi making machine in the future!

You'll notice that there are two versions here: one with rice on the outside and one with rice on the inside.

I plan to grill up some meats and vegetables to make some Sushi soon – so watch out for that video.


Roasted Red Bell Pepper Soup


Roasted Red Bell Pepper Soup

This recipe was just phenomenal!

I couldn't have been more pleased with the results. Bursting with flavor, creamy, savory and satisfying all in one bowl.

The garnish was made with a “Creme fraiche”, parsly and almond slivers.

Yep, video coming soon on this one too!


Tomato Rose

Tomato Rose sculpture


The picture isn't anywhere as nice as the actual sculpture but it was certainly fun to learn how to do this!

This was my first attempt and I would say it came out pretty nice!

I'll how you how to make one of these soon.

Not grilling or BBQ, but certainly fun for me. I hope you enjoyed seeing how my classes are coming along.
